Members spgca

Doug Rodgers

Doug rodgers bio pic

Doug Rodgers

Pooler Creek Farms

Region: South


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About Doug

Born and raised on a family farm that I still manage and raise cattle on today, with my wife Paula and our two adult children, Taylor and Kalyn.

As a youth, I was heavily involved in 4-H and FFA, serving as President of our local chapter, showing cattle, livestock judging, participating in speech contests and various farm projects, and earning the State Farmer award.

My early college years were at the University of Tulsa, where I played football. I transferred to Northeastern State University where I graduated with a BS in Business Administration. Upon graduation, I took a job with American Century Investments as an Institutional Rep involved in retirement plan services. After the birth of my first child, we moved home to the Copan area. Initially, I worked as Branch Manager for Phillips 66 Financial Services. In 1999 I started my own firm, Caughell Rodgers Investments, an Independent Advisory/Retirement business, as my primary occupation. My cattle operation occupies most of my evenings and weekends.

In my search for the perfect cattle, my family raised commercial (Brahma Influenced), Simmental, Charolais and Black Angus. In each of the various breeds, my goals were to have low input, low BW, low maintenance, easy fleshing cattle that perform on a pure grass environment. Those breeds simply did not fit that bill. I always felt something was missing, especially in the Angus Breed, which pushed an EPD environment that produced an animal that was bigger and harder to keep. Even efforts at grass genetics were inadequate. When I discovered the South Poll Breed, I finally found the right cattle for my environment. As a bonus, the people involved in our Association are top notch. We are like one big family that will go out of their way to help other members. I am proud of our breed, proud to serve as a board member, and proud to predict that the best is yet to come.