Members spgca

Kim Harrison

2021 calving

Kim Harrison

Harrison Valley Farms

Location: Fulton, MO

Region: Midwest / Upper Midwest

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About Kim

We (John and Kim Harrison) started our livestock operation in 1985 as a conventional Polled Hereford cow-calf operation. In 2005, we started selling grain-finished beef by the section directly to families. As we became more interested in changing our cattle production to a forage-based system, we transitioned our cattle herd from primarily Polled Herefords to South Poll Grass Cattle. We sold grass-fed and finished beef as sections, and as retail cuts at multiple farmers’ markets, large supermarkets, locally-owned health food stores, commercial food hubs, and restaurants. In 2018, we changed our business model to focus on selling SPGC steers as feeders to finishers and our SPGC full and pure blood heifers as seed stock to producers. Our past cow-calf, and meat marketing experience make us aware of what producers need, whether it be as an animal to finish or add to their cattle herd as seed stock.